The Law and Application Research of the Low Energy Area of Aviation γ Spectrum 航空γ能谱低能谱段规律及应用研究
Acting by law and by decisions of the State Council and within the limits of its authority, CAA promulgates regulations and decisions concerning civil aviation activities. 根据法律和国务院的决定,在本部门的权限内,发布有关民用航空活动的规定、决定。
International air law is consisted of three parts. The first is the public international air law which centered on the Chicago Convention of 1944, which established the principal of airspace sovereignty, nationality of air craft and cooperation of international aviation. 国际航空法主要由三大部分组成:第一是以1944年芝加哥公约为核心的国际航空公法体系,确立了领空主权、航空器国籍、国际航空合作等原则性和基础性的规则;
NET technology, and carry out the analysis of the causes of civil aviation accident and find out the internal law, which is practically instructive for the effective regulation of the aviation security. NET技术完成系统的开发并完成航空事故数据的测试,进行了航空事故原因的分析,找出事故原因的内在规律,对有效地进行航空安全管理具有现实的指导意义!
Study on the decay law of synthetic aviation lube oil in use 合成航空润滑油使用中衰变规律研究
The Convention of Warsaw is a main regulation of civil law in the field of international air transport. After the new convention replaces the Convention of Warsaw, aviation will have a very different environment in the international air transport law. 华沙公约是国际航空私法领域的主要国际法文件,在新公约取代华沙公约之后,航空承运人将面临着与以前相比有相当大的差别的国际航空运输私法环境。
The legal conflicts in Aviation Private International Law become increasingly prominent with the continuous development of the aviation industry, especially as continuous innovation of aviation technology and the operating mechanism of aviation, the International Air legal system also suffers from the self-test and continuously updated. 航空国际私法领域的法律冲突随着航空事业的不断发展而愈益突出,特别是随着航空技术和航空经营机制的不断创新,国际航空法律体系也经历着考验和不断的自我更新。
Airplane turbulence is an important factor affecting flight safety, airplane turbulence distribution law and prediction methods are always the focus of aviation meterological study. 飞机颠簸是影响飞行安全的重要因素,飞机颠簸的分布规律和预报方法一直是航空气象研究的重点。
It introduces briefly the history and development of aviation law, which makes the reader get some understanding of the origin and sources of aviation law. 通过简单介绍航空法的发展历史,从而对航空法的起源和渊源有一定了解。